15 High Paying Vocational Skills in Nigeria


Are you thinking of learning craft work or thinking of apprenticeship? Then you need to check this list of 15 high paying vocational skills in Nigeria. Although there are hundreds of skills you can learn and make money but why these “15 skills”?

Well, I’m not saying other vocational skills are not useful or low paying skills. But this list is a complete observations of most-wanted skills in Nigeria. If you’re new to this term, you might be asking….

What is Vocational Skill?

It is simply a skill that doesn’t require “formal education”.

Vocational skills are acquired by learning from an experienced master and sometimes, you don’t need writing materials before you can learn it, as it requires your total focus, determination and brain only.

It’s generally called “informal education”. That it, the type of education you received without sitting in the four-walls of a building – School.

There are many skills available in Nigeria and the world at large, some require lots of formal education while the rest requires little to no formal education — this is where vocational skills in Nigeria comes in.

Not everyone has the privilege of going through formal schools, others who started couldn’t keep up with the financial requirements for many reasons. Does that mean they can’t have a career and earn good money? No!

And I’ve personally seen most people doing the two at a go – I mean going to school for formal education and at the same time, learning a vocational skills simply because “formal education in Nigeria is not impressing us as expected (No jobs) but vocational skills saves us a lot”.

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With that in might, I’m sure you understand the reason why having one or two vocational skills in Nigeria is important? Today, there are many skills you can learn and start earning good money for yourself.

Now, let quickly dive into main context of this blog post;

Top 15 paying vocational skills in Nigeria

  1. Fashion Design:

Speaking of design, the first high paying vocational skill in Nigeria is Fashion Design.

This proves my point on the importance of branding and packaging in today’s world. Just like some digital designer is needed for graphics, so is one needed in the world of Fashion.

The fashion industry in Nigeria at present is one of the best performing industries for sometimes now, this goes to show the amount of money pumped in so far.

You can join the likes of Duro Olowu, Folake Folarin-Coker and many others who have made their mark in the Nigerian fashion industry.

2. Photography:

Photography is another top paying vocational skill in Nigeria today. We all know what photography is all about but have you wondered how photographers earn? I guess you haven’t.

Photography lets you earn your money as much as you want to, you determine how high you want to earn.

Although many have complained of how saturated the industry is presently, it’s still a skill worth knowing.

3. Hair Dressing or Barbing Saloon

If you are a hair dresser, a barber or a hair stylist, then your skill is among the top paying vocational skills in Nigeria.

I have a friend who’s currently in college — a state university in the southern part of Nigeria, this guy pays his rent, fees/dues, feeding and more through his hair cut business.

There are many more out there who are even doing better than this.

People are more enlightened on grooming and the importance to take care of the hair — both male and female. Armed with this information, people tend to care for their hair regularly, some weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc.

4. Catering:

Okay who doesn’t like food? Or who doesn’t like to eat?

Have you tried staying a day without eating asides fasting? We all like to eat and caterers make delicious delicacies for all and sundry.

Since food is a necessity for all living things including humans, caterers are as important as food in an economy, and you know what, people pay good money to consume great food. Consequently, Caterers makes our list of top vocational skills in Nigeria

5. Makeup / Make over:

The above terms are two skills that perform almost similar functions. Those in the Makeup/Makeover industry aren’t left out of the top paying vocations.

It’s a known tradition in Nigeria and many other countries to host weddings and other events on a Saturday, I don’t know how many events or weddings happen on a Saturday but I know for sure that a lot do happen and lots of makeups and make overs occurs on that day.

Also, you can get a look-in in the movie industry, your services are highly needed.

6. Automobile Servicing:

Automobile servicing got to do with cars and your ability to fix little hitches that pop up now and then.

Luckily for automobile engineers, smart gadgets have been invented to aid in the detection of certain faults which should make your work easier.

There are lots of cars this days in the country and their owners pay to get them serviced from time to time.

7. Interior Design:

Design again make our list, this time — interior design. You may not be well acquainted with what this vocation is all about.

An interior designer is charged with the responsibility of taking care or design of the interiors of a building so as to offer satisfaction to the users of such building. An interior designer is tasked with researching, designing and implementation of various designs on a building.

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Although not quite popular worldwide, the services of an interior designer is needed in many English speaking countries including Nigeria and guess what, they’re paid well.

8. Manufacturing:

This vocational skill in Nigeria particularly requires creativity, and lots of it. Manufacturing may take different shapes and forms.

You choose what you want to make, put a design around it and make it come alive.

This may not be an easy vocation to learn and do, but if you persevere, you’ll reap lots of financial benefits.

9. Welding and Fabrication:

Another top vocational skill that pays is welding which goes evenly with fabrication. If you haven’t considered this skill, you should start now, you can learn this skill without a formal education as a requirement.

Once you’ve acquired this skill, you could start earning straight away because the market isn’t much saturated with welders. All construction companies certainly will need the services of a welder who knows his onions!

Furthermore, with capital and dedication, you could start up your own firm, employ and trains others in the long run.

Most buildings in the country requires lots of iron works, if you could weld and fabric metals then you can earn lots of money.

10. Bricklaying:

Bricklaying! We all know about it, this is one vocational skill in Nigeria that can fetch you consistent income if you’re good at it. A huge percentage of the houses being built this are made of brick or concrete, although in some other climes wood is used.

Bricklaying is one easy vocation to grasp within a short frame of time, after which you can start earning money almost every single day. In other to earn more in this vocation, you need to be connected to those in your field so as to avail yourself to any job openings.

In this vocation I’ve not got a chance to hear the phrase “Expert Bricklayer”, maybe there is — do let us know if you’ve heard or seen.

11. Carpentry:

Woodwork! That’s what comes to mind when we talk about carpentry. I’ll say everyone is a carpenter in some way. Almost everybody knows how to use the two main tools of a carpenter — hammer and nail. We all know how to drive a nail through wood, brick or concrete using the hammer.

Have you thought about roofing a simple building? No you can’t do it if you’re not a pro, and even if you do, the structure may not last as that you would get from a professional — that’s why we pay professional carpenter to work on our roofing or other carpentry related jobs.

12. Plumbing:

Another top skill in this list is plumbing. So what makes plumbing a highly paid vocational skill in Nigeria?

Simple! Building are erected around the world on a daily basis, water and gas pipe gets broken now and then due to pressure and other effects. Plumbers are needed in the planting of pipes in buildings for several purpose like flow of water, gas, drainage or other chemicals.

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Since this market isn’t highly saturated, plumbers tend to earn pretty good money for their services.

13. Tiling:

One good vocation that still pay, and will continue paying is tiling. Most modern houses, in fact, in almost all new buildings tiles are being used for both interior and exterior designs.

Asides building, you can see most furniture with a slab of tiles on them. Table tops, stools and similar furniture items seem to come alive when tiled.

More and more people will continue to use tiles for several purposes and if you have this skill, bear in mind that there’s potential to keep earning.

14. Painting:

Welcome to the world of colours! Painting as we all know gives a house in different look. One might think painting is pretty much easy but no…! it’s not all rosy.

As a painter, you’ll have to know colour like you know your fingers, what combination gives you what, using multiple colours in a building or a single colour, what type of paint would be suited for the job, and also how reduce waste.

A friend of mine who is into painting once told me that he’ll paint a house and there will be no droplets on rug, it sounded like a difficult task to me but after he was done. I saw the difference between a professional and an amateur painter, this guy has this as his primary source of income and he’s earning well.

15. Electronics and Electrical Installations:

Truth be told, not everyone knows how to install their electronic gadgets and get them up and running, but we all know how to operate our electronic devices.

Learning to install these devices is pretty much easy, although they’re lots of varying electronics out there, their method in setting up is quite similar.

As a person with this skill, there’s a huge potential to earn more cash as more sophisticated electronic devices are being manufactured for both individuals and companies.

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In fact, electrical or electronic installation can’t be overridden in the list of high paying vocational skills in Nigeria. But some folks are afraid getting shocked by electricity or even struck by it, which may lead to death.

Well, it has its risks and also paying. But the risks can be lessen or avoided if you’re taking the right precautions.

Rounding Off – Top Paying Vocational Skills in Nigeria

Okay we’ve gone through the 15 high paying vocational skills in Nigeria. These skills don’t require academic qualifications and you can earn good money from any of the above skills.

Which of the skills above piques your interest, which do you like and which do you want to learn? Do let us know in the comments!

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Thanks for reading!



Stephen Gbolagade
Stephen Gbolagadehttps://www.stephengade.com/
Stephen is a Frontend engineer, technical writer, owner and part-time blogger here at Gbolamedia, incoming data scientist, an enthusiastic cynophilist, and a curious introvert. Stephen is currently available for full-time, part-time or contract-base role. Contact him here: on WhatsApp or check him on Linkedin


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